If you have low oxygen levels you are dying.
Denial is not effective treatment for low oxygen levels. Even if you “feel okay”.
Oxygen hitches a ride on your red blood cells in order to travel around your body. If your oxygen level is too low (below 92%) the oxygen molecules can’t make the leap. The pressure is too low.
When your oxygen level is below 92%, the oxygen that is in your blood cruises around in your circulation but the pressure isn’t high enough for it to actually get where it is needed.
You Want To Improve Low Oxygen Levels Because You Are DYING Til You DO!!
You just can’t take this too seriously. When you discover someone you love is experiencing this situation you feel panicked to do something about it! Low oxygen level symptoms are alarming, but they may show up in ways that seem like “normal aging”.
Just be aware that you will likely meet resistant from the care recipient when you attempt to supplement oxygen.
Nobody likes to use supplemental oxygen. It feels like a leash. When the tubing rubs and irritates skin, and the increased restriction starts to discourage, it can be difficult to remember that supplemental oxygen is a healing tool!
Remember One Thing If You Plan To Heal Your Low Oxygen Levels
In 2011, I had 2 TIAs and 2 full blown strokes. I then had open heart to correct PFO/ASD and then had pulmonary emboli follwoing the surgery and have anemiam, COPD, CAD, edema in lower extremities and uncontrolled hypertension. I was placed on supplemental oxygen which has helped. I gave up smoking six months ago. I have a concentrator at home and portable tanks when I leave the house which is rarely as I am in a wheelchair now. While sitting, my pulse ox is at 95% on 3 liters. We have tried to wean to lower levels, but I get SOB while sitting. If I am off the oxygen, the smallest amount of exertion causes shortness of breath. I have to go and have a pulmonary test for Medicare. They did not accept the oxygen suppliers readings of 86% when walking without oxygen and need an outside source. If my doctor cannot get the required 88%, where can one find reasonable cost equipment (concentrator, bottled oxygen)? I am disabled and on Medicare/Medicaid and SSD. I am only 59 and have already been in a nursing home due to the physical limitations and health issues. I am back home with my daughter now.
Aloha Dale,
Heart Failure Solutions uses a reliable source, and that is as reasonable a price as I know of unless you can find one locally and skip the shipping charges.
This link will get you to our source -> http://HeartFailureSolutions.com/resourcepage-o2machine
Many blessings,
If your oxygen level goes down to 73 and as low as 53 when you’re not on oxygen, what is your
life expectency as far as your overall health? YOu already know you have COPD and should be on
oxygen 24/7.?
Dear Julie,
Someone with those readings is end stage, though I have seen folks dwindle along for many months to even years with those sorts of readings. They certainly aren’t living well but they may not drop tomorrow. Capnometers can help tell you how close the end is, but at this point it may be best to keep the patient comfortable and enjoy every minute you can with them.
Many blessings,
sorrry to hear about ur mom melissa my mam has been hospitlized twice with low oxygen levels under 90 aswell,,she is only in her 50’s but dnt excersise or eat healthy its very scary seen so bad im afraid she will die soon with this she is not a well woman 🙁 and just to say doctors have given me nothing on it i had to come here to get answers
Aloha Rebecca,
Frustrating isn’t it?
If your mom is willing to learn send her to the Challenge. If not, feel welcome to join us and share what you learn with her.
The Breathing Hand Book will be available here on this site soon. I hope it is in time to help you Mum!
Many blessings,
My Mom passed away from COPD in Sept 2008. Such a sad illness. Her Oxygen levels were always under 90, sometimes lower than others. She was never one to exercise, or watch what she eats. I always wanted her to try to do more, but she wouldn’t. She was only 62 when she passed.
I really like this website Carrie and what you do here with it.
Aloha Melissa,
So glad that Rebecca’s comment drew me back to yours Melissa. So sorry that I missed this last May.
It sure is hard to watch someone we love hurt themselves and suffer the consequences. My heart goes out to you.
The best thing you can do at this point is let it motivate you to learn by her example.
Life is good! Be good to YOU!
Many blessings,
While having a pulse omixmentry done, Start of O2 at rest was 99% HR76 RR 16
while walking O2 went from 99 % to 89% Hr went to 98 RR went to 18
Do you have any suggestions for me? Should I be concerned?
Should I call my Doctor and ask for Oxygen? Or ask for a breathing machine
called Ox Med?
I am a person who doesn’t like to take any kind of Medicine,
unless I really need to. Been on Med. Propranolol for 1/1/2 Yrs. Just got
prescription for Simvastatin for Clorestoral.
Appreciate your feedback
Aloha Carol,
If your pulse oximetry reading is 89% Saturation, then you certainly NEED supplemental oxygen.
You may have an issue getting your insurance to pay for your home oxygen concentrator unless your doctor can obtain a reading of 88% Saturation. This is probably possible by walking up a few stairs while you are being monitored. Taking the stairs is everyday activity, so insist that they allow you to walk stairs if you don’t drop to 88% Saturation, in order to get the reading that will satisfy the insurance company.
I urge you to get home oxygen and USE it to KEEP your oxygen level above 92% Saturation.
Learn how to breathe better!
“Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book” is the most important book you will ever read!
Enter your contact info in the right sidebar to receive your invitation to The Life Breath Club’s weekly meeting and get the ongoing support you need.
Many blessings,
Mckay K,
Thanks for that testimonial. I think it is hard for some people to believe that it can really make that big a difference. If they only knew how worth while the effort can be! Glad you gave yourself that gift, and I am SO happy that you enjoy my blog!
Many blessings,
I learned to slow my breathing and breath deeper just this year. It has lowered my blood pressure to the point that I no longer need blood pressure medicine. That is how important learning relaxation techniques and using them is.
I love the “be active in a way that adds joy to your life” statement. What brings us joy is what we should do. Somethings will evolve us into happier healthier human beings and other will not. As you have stated we should choose the ones that add joy to our lives.
I love Your blog and the concept in which you have selected to help others live a happier healthier life.