Does Eating Lots of Sugar Cause Signs of Diabetes?

Do You Eat Too Much Sugar?

The Center for Disease Control says that about one-third of all people with diabetes do not know they have it.

Is diabetes something you are concerned about?

When you have diabetes in your family history you are more likely to give it your attention, and to be more conscious of your food choices.  Though you probably eat more sugar than you think you do, whether you try to limit it or not.

If you don’t have signs of diabetes, you don’t have anything to worry about … or do you?

The real problem with diabetes is NOT glucose it is Insulin Toxicity!

Insulin toxicity is a contributing factor to many disease processes, but it is not even tested for if your glucose is not high.

You could have insulin toxicity for years before you have glucose issues!

If your doctor doesn’t even recognize your approaching signs of diabetes how can you?
Diabetes Symptoms That Should Concern You:

Type  One Diabetes:

  • Frequent urination
  • Unusual thirst
  • Extreme hunger
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Extreme fatigue and Irritability

Type Two Diabetes:

  • Any of the type 1 symptoms
  • Frequent infections
  • Blurred vision
  • Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
  • Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet
  • Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections

What can you do?

  • Get plenty of fiber!
  • Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs like breads, muffins, pasta, white rice, and potatoes.
  • Drink water, skip soft drinks!
  • Remember that there isn’t a “healthy” sweetener.  Moderation means use very little.
  • Do not injest high fructose corn syrup.  It is poison.
  • Chromium may be of particular help with improving the way your body uses sugar.

Do ALL of the above!

It might surprise you to know that stress management is a major factor in managing your blood sugar.

It’s not just about the food you put in your mouth and your sedentary lifestyle.

You can eat great and get plenty of exercise and stress will still cause issue with your blood sugar!

Rest and recreation are extremely important for basic self care, but take on new found significance when you are healing.

You might not feel “sick”, but you need to think of your diabetes concern as a NEED to HEAL!

Take this very seriously because until you get your blood sugar under control you are feeding the inflammation that is causing all your chronic symptoms.

Changing your diet and improving the health of your bowel might feel overwhelming but so is treating diabetes with drugs and insulin!

Medical treatment for diabetes is NOT a cure.  Avoiding medical treatment for diabetes is the only way to avoid harm!

Certainly high blood sugar and glucose toxicity can cause plenty of damage so you must treat them with drugs if you wait too long!

Would you like a quick fix?

It would be great if there was a quick fix!  Nobody can guarantee to “fix” your diabetes for you, but there are some promising natural therapies and nutritional supplements available these days.

Heart Failure Solutions recommends Vemma products because of their safe track record.

Click on the link below and learn more about what nutrition can do for you!

Nutrition Is Your Medicine


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter



2 thoughts on “Does Eating Lots of Sugar Cause Signs of Diabetes?

  1. Anne,
    Thanks for your contribution. Great point! All yogurt is NOT created equally. The commercials on tv these days seem to be trying to convince us that high fructose corn syrup is fine “in moderation”.

    What they are NOT saying is that it is in everything, and if you are not careful your intake will be more than moderate in a quick hurry.

    Also, there is much evidence that it is addictive, especially for children. I know my kids have eaten whole foods their entire lives, but there friends think the food at our house tastes strange. I guess they miss the chemical additives. When my kids get a little of this non-food they beg for more for a month.

    The secret is, the more whole food you eat, the better it tastes. Yes?

    Many blessings,

  2. Hi Carrie,

    This is a great post!

    As a Baby Boomer who ignored having blood glucose readings that were “just a little bit high” for 30 years, I have to say I was amazed, chagrined, and in total denial when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes about 2 years ago.

    It is a disease that is becoming epidemic for Baby Boomers, so I am glad you wrote about it!!

    Your points are all excellent. One I would like to add, is that we all need to recognize that the food processors of the world are tricking us by putting high fructose corn syrup in just about anything that is processed. Even stuff like soda crackers, that didn’t contain it years ago.

    Be on the lookout for this – read your labels carefully!!

    Just the other day, for example, I was talking to someone who was telling me how careful she was about the foods she buys – and she told me she is a recent convert to eating yogurt daily to help her digestion. She specifically mentioned that she was buying a very popular relatively new brand, that comes in a green container.

    I told her that eating yogurt daily is great as far as I am concerned, but that I cannot allow myself to eat that brand, as it has too many unneeded additives in it, including corn syrup as the second ingredient.

    I’ve taken to buying organic yogurt myself; the brand I use has all the good probiotic cultures in it, but not all the chemical additives.

    Whole foods, that’s the way to go!!


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