Could Effective Snoring Solutions Stop An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

Could Effective Snoring Solutions Stop An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

When your mate wakes you with their snoring you poke them in the side to get them to roll over, so you can try to get back to sleep.  However you probably don’t give it much more attention than that.

Do you worry that snoring might be damaging your mates health?

Probably not.  But did you know that snoring is often the main cause of sleep apnea?

“Sleep apnea” means that you stop breathing while you are sleeping and it is potentially fatal.

Meaning, if you have sleep apnea, every time you sleep you risk death!

That’s a pretty big deal … wouldn’t you say?

It’s one thing to say it.  “Oh my, what a worrisome situation!”

It’s quite another thing to actually take action to do something about it.

If you get diagnosed and treated for sleep apnea, you may find that the equipment is difficult to get use to.

You can have a life threatening condition and ignore it!  I’ve seen SO many people do it.

The people I saw living with sleep apnea felt lousy anyway, they didn’t want to give up their cozy sleep.  The equipment didn’t make their sleep apnea go away, it just helped them breathe one more night.  They’d end up taking it off and curling up without it or push it in the closet and give up all together!

They just didn’t see how it was helping.

Others really understood their sleep apnea was dangerous and vowed that they used their cpap equipment every night.  They would have loved to find an alternative to the mask but they were taking their warning seriously.

These days there are many more masks and nasal devices to choose from, so it is not nearly so hard to get a good fit and utilize sleep apnea equipment for the valuable healing tool that it is.  After all, if you are suffering from a life threatening condition you want to take action immediately and consistently to address it.

Sleep apnea is deadly … don’t be a statistic!


There is also a relationship between Snoring and High Blood Pressure.

High blood pressure and sleep apnea are two of the biggest issues causing the epidemic of heart failure in the world today!

Are you starting to understand why snoring solutions might be the answer to an epidemic of heart failure?

Sleep apnea and high blood pressure might seem like very different issues on the surface.

If you understand how important oxygen is, and how snoring robs you of oxygen when you need it most, it makes perfect sense that snoring WILL cause a snow ball effect that results in your demise.

Oxygen ushers life in.  Oxygen terminates life.

Oxygen is the most important healing substance, the most effective detox agent, the premium blood cleanser, the most potent antibiotic, a versatile hormone, a blood clotter and declotter, and the conductor of the orchestra of the immune system.

Without oxygen, the lungs cannot breathe, the heart cannot beat, the brain cannot think, the bowel cannot digest or absorb food, and the muscles cannot move. That is all very basic and essential.” – Dr. Majid Ali


Your immune cells LOVE oxygen.

Cancer and yeast-like microbes, nanobacteria, mycoplasma, (the so-called stealth microbes), and bowel anaerobes HATE oxygen.

So if snoring robs you of oxygen when you need it most, what do you do about it?

Find your snoring solutions in order to reduce your risk of succumbing to heart failure, that’s what you do about it!

If you consistently wake up tired you may be snoring and not even know it.

What exactly IS snoring?

Snoring occurs when the muscles that keep open the airways carrying air from the nose and throat to the lungs relax during sleep. The tongue and jaw can also slip back as the teeth wear down. Either situation can cause the airways to collapse, causing friction and requiring more forceful inhalation to breathe.

Adults generally start to snore in their late thirties and forties, and the incidence increases when they pass the age of fifty. Snoring predominantly plagues adults but children between the ages of three and thirteen will snore when they have large tonsils, adenoids, obesity, poorly developed breathing and voice or when they have a heavy cold.

Snoring Solutions:

  • First things first … if you have high blood pressure and you fall asleep during your normal daily routine, get a sleep test!

If you have sleep apnea, your life may depend on it!

  • Eating heavily and drinking alcohol before sleep cause greater than normal relaxation of the throat muscles.  This may cause even a “nonsnorer” to snore!

Eating raw foods at the end of the day is a good idea.

  • Avoid tranquilizers and antihistamines before bedtime or if possible avoid them all together. Like alcohol, most of these medications suppress neck muscle tone and can cause snoring.

Antihistamines may seem harmless to you.

Know what you are risking with their habitual use!

The side effects of antihistamines are definitely cause for alarm.

“Drugs do not provide a real solution to the problem of insomnia. In fact, sleep inducing medications are so ineffective in any real sense that it is difficult to understand why there continues to be such an overwhelming demand for them”.

– Deepak Chopra, Restful Sleep.

  • Losing weight will help stop snoring because increased fat in the structures around your throat diminish the size of your air passages.

One more reason why losing weight will reduce your risk of heart failure!

  • Place telephone books or bricks under the legs at the head of the bed to help immediately improve your breathing while you sleep.

Please remember that this is a temporary remedy!

This “remedy” will invite further snoring by contributing to your poor posture.  Elevating the head of your bed and using extra pillows will increase your tendency to slouch.  (slouching adds to windpipe restriction)

  • Develop your breathing and voice.

Now this tip is a REAL remedy for your snoring.

Breath and voice development reduce your tendency to slouch, strengthen the muscles around your throat, and increase neck muscle tone.

  • Keep your windows open while you sleep and, if necessary, use a humidifier to keep your nasal passages moist.

When the room is hot and dry, nasal passages become clogged during sleep, and often leads to snoring.

  • If you snore, side sleeping is the best position to allow better breathing.

A rolled up ball of socks or a tennis ball under your pajama top will keep you from rolling onto your back while you sleep.

This is a great trick to ensure better breathing.  Although keep in mind that side sleeping will also contributes to day time slouching.

  • Seek appropriate treatment for allergies and upper respiratory problems that cause nasal obstruction.

Congestion due to food or airborn allergies and colds cause the air passages to narrow. When air flows through a narrow airway, it’s more turbulent and causes the throat tissues to vibrate.

Deviated septum or widening of the airways may require surgery but get 3 opinions as many so called nasal obstructions are caused by allergies and the surgeries only help until the engorged passages return.  (roughly 3-5 years)

  • Taking vitamin C daily is very helpful for reducing inflammation.

Anything that helps reduce inflammation will help alleviate your snoring.

  • If you smoke, quit.

Smoking irritates causing mucus buildup, inflammation, bronchial congestion, and swelling of the pharynx, all of which contribute to snoring.

Keep working at it!

Finding your snoring solutions just might keep you from developing heart failure!

“Wow, snoring is a big deal!”

You can say that again!

Sounds like a good reason for karaoke night!  Singing on a regular basis is a great simple way to address your snoring concerns.

Don’t get overwhelmed!  Just focus on making progress on a few of the points above.

Click on the link below to become a member of The Life Breath Club and get the support you need to keep trying til you successfully address your harmful snoring!

Join Now!

This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS-  Congestive heart failure symptoms can be devastating.  Read the free ebook from the Life Breath Coach and find out what you need to know.

PPS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

18 thoughts on “Could Effective Snoring Solutions Stop An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

  1. I am in a pickle!! I am 42 years old and I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea in 2007. As you mentioned above, I went through 2 sleep studies and was given a CPAP machine. My sleep efficiency rate is 22% and I stop breathing 62 times in 7 hours in increments varying from 9 seconds to 57 seconds. I could not tolerate the CPAP machine bc when I stopped breathing, the CPAP machine kept pumping air down my throat and I would wake up with a stomach swollen with air. I stopped using the machine bc it was doing me no good and at the end of June 2013, I was in the ER after visiting my doctor 3 different times with Pneumonia (caused by my severe allergic reaction to mold spores and we are having a record year for rainfall.) Also, I have had Pneumonia 5 times over the past 13 years (and I was diagnosed with HIV in 2005 so that makes things even worse). I take over 23 different medications for various things, I had double vision lens transplants just last year, and have had multiple surgeries and problems, most of which I, personally, attribute to my low oxygen levels while I am sleeping. (My counts are good as far as the HIV but I also take so much medication that I went into liver failure in 2009. I NEVER and I mean NEVER sleep well, I am on Disability for several things including Severe Sleep Apnea, and when I arrived at the ER, my blood oxygen level was 70%. I am now seeing a different Pulmonary Doctor and I was given a nebulizer and I also did a overnight Oximetry. The night of the test, I accidentally fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up, I immediately realized I was supposed to be wearing the Oximeter for at least 4 hours during my nights sleep. When I first put on the Oximeter after being asleep for 3 hours, my blood oxygen level was 59%!! (As a matter of fact, the company just picked up the Oximeter from my home just now to download the results and send to my doctor). Needless to say, THIS SCARES ME! I started my life right, went to college, got a good job and then I got sick, so now, I am on Social Security Disability and Medicare and they pay hardly anything and what little Social Security I do get goes quickly! I am wondering if you can give me a preliminary estimate of what action my doctor will take. I saw that you mentioned above that it is alarming that they make you wait so long to take action and I am actually afraid to go to sleep!!!! I am afraid that I may not wake up! I do not follow up with my doctor until the end of September…even knowing that my oxygen level drops so low..which was a HUGE surprise to me…I knew it was probably low but not that low! Again, I cannot handle a CPAP and I have not researched a BIPAP, but if it is anything like a CPAP, I cannot use it. I am wondering about just plain oxygen. Even though I stop breathing in my sleep, when I am breathing, if I am breathing pure oxygen, that has to be better than nothing at all. Things are so bad for me that I have to take Enablex at night bc I do not wake up..even to go to the restroom…I would go while I was asleep and sometimes, multiple times which is why I take that medication so I do not wet my bed EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I am 42 and I have no quality of life at all! Can you please let me know what you would recommend I do..about everything that I have told you. Thank you, David

    1. Aloha David,

      You are facing a mountain of challenge!

      I can certainly help you get the care you need.

      Reply to the email message I sent you and we can begin with 15 minutes to get you headed in the right direction.

      Download your free ebook “Increase Your Oxygen”. Life Breath Club teaches us that we start with the basics and give attention to urgent needs.

      Once you do that, you can begin to heal. Don’t lose anymore ground. Let’s address your issues!

      Hope to hear from you soon.

      Many blessings,
      Carrie Tucker, RCP
      The Life Breath Coach

  2. I am ecstatic that I found your website. I suffer with low oxygen sat. levels only at night (80’s), and the sleep doc will not prescribe oxygen! I have sleep apnea, and was just given a full face mask which is very uncomfortable. Do sleep meds. lower oxygen sat. levels? Also, do you think severe allergies (4+) to enviornment, i.e. trees, grasses, pollens, molds, etc. contribute to lower oxygen levels, and shallow breathing? I was just given Beconase nasal spary, saline soultion, and an inhaler (for 2 weeks) to facilitate deeper breathing by allergest. I feel blessed that I have found your website, and hope that it will help me to better understand what is happening to me (mind, body and soul). Thank you so much.

    1. Aloha Judi!

      Welcome to the Life Breath Club. I’m happy to offer you a spot in the “Heart Seat”!

      Today Judi will tell us her story and the Life Breath Coach will help her brain storm action steps that will immediately reduce her suffering and turn around the health crisis she is facing.

      Join the club and meet us at the meeting!

      Many blessings,

  3. This was a great article to read. I had a snoring problem and it drove my wife nuts. Everytime I fell a sleep on my back I snored so bad that I would stop breathing. So I borrowed my wife’s body pillow from her pregnancy to help keep me on my side. This helped with a good sleep position and stopped my snoring.

    1. Aloha Garth,

      Side sleeping will help to prevent your airway from closing, but it really isn’t the best sleeping position.

      The best thing to do for snoring is SING to strengthen your throat muscles.

      Many blessings,

    1. Aloha Translator,
      Absorbing new information can be challenging. Remember that applying it is the real value.

      So glad you are planning to return and review the information. It will help you apply it for better success!

      Many blessings,

    1. Aloha Julie,
      Pure water is very important and you just can’t say enough about the importance of hydration.

      Most people have had way too much wheat in their diet. Brown rice and millet two great additions to your diet!

      I’d say, make SURE to buy your yogurt WITHOUT added sugar. Read labels and choose all your foods carefully.

      Thanks for contributing!

      Many blessings,

  4. Pingback: How to stop snoring in just 10 minutes | How To Stop Someone From Snoring
    1. Aloha,
      I’m happy to share your link.

      Don’t know if these devices will be effective for you, folks, but they say money back guarantee, so might as well give them a go. I have no experience with these tools. Let us know if they work for you by commenting here. Thanks!

      Snoring is VERY dangerous. Whatever works for you is a blessing!

      Be well!

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