Is Surrendering To the Now of Mindfulness Meditation Really Possible?

Is Surrendering To the Now of Mindfulness Meditation Really Possible?

Mindfulness Meditation is a type of meditation that essentially involves focusing your mind on the present in a way that allows you to witness your thoughts and actions without judging yourself.

Is there a secret to allowing what is?

If there is a secret to Mindfulness Meditation, it is creating a still space that will serve as your doorway to Now.

Can you be still?

Does the constant conversation in your head ever stop?

A friend of mine had a particularly hard time with never stopping thought.  I’ll call her Pamela.

Pamela was a very together lady.

She ran a day care out of her home, and you never saw a place so clean, tidy and on schedule!

The woman appeared to have calm and serene down to a science.  When she picked up a bell and rang it, the toddlers buzzing about her feet jumped up and began singing “clean up clean up everybody everywhere, clean up clean up, everybody do your share”.

They all did their share and the room was clean in a flash.  It was an amazing sight to see.  I thought that only happened on television.

A super hero disguised as a little old lady!

I felt like I should ask for her autograph.  The woman had everything under control!

She became a good friend to me, and “Auntie Pam” to my young daughters.

When the two of us decided to take a meditation class together, I saw a side of Auntie Pam that shocked me.

The class was free and given by a neighbor who just couldn’t wait to introduce us all to Centerpointe Technology’s Holosync.

I only needed five minutes with Holosync to know that this was powerful technology.  Quieting the thoughts that usually raced through my brain was surprisingly easy.  I felt a smile spread across my face.

In my Joy I felt impatient to share my excitement with Auntie Pam, so I opened my eyes and glanced in her direction hoping to give her my smile of approval.  I was shocked to see calm, cool and collected Auntie Pam sobbing her eyes out!

Our teacher assured us that sticking it out would be well worth it.  He said if we could remain sitting upright for the entire hour long meditation, we would get much more benefit out of the session than if we reclined and fell asleep.

(This powerful technology actually puts you in a wakeful sleep state.)

We met daily to share our meditation time and support each other.  Each day I drifted into bliss, and then I would hear Pamela begin to sob.  I tried to share with her how I surrendered to whatever came up for me and just allowed the emotions.

Pamela gave it several weeks worth of effort, but finally gave up and resigned herself to sleeping through her meditation.  It may not be as beneficial, but she would not allow the crying to continue.

She said it was just too frightening.

Is creating stillness really as hard as it seems?

Is surrendering control frightening and painful?


The Secret to Stillness is Surrender.

Meditation is the most potent way to lower stress and create peace of mind in these highly stressful times.

If you can allow it, Holosync is a short cut.

7 Benefits of Stimulating your brain with Holosync

1.  Safely and effortlessly takes you to states of profoundly deep (and extremely pleasurable) meditation…
2.  Stimulates the creation of new neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, balancing your brain and leading you to a high-performance state scientists call “whole brain functioning”…
3.  Dramatically improves your learning ability, memory, intuition, creativity, and your ability to focus, concentrate and think more clearly…
4.  Creates true quantum leaps in your personal self awareness…
5.  Significantly lowers your stress levels and lowers your levels of harmful brain chemicals related to stress…
6.  Creates remarkable improvements in your mental and emotional health—even in areas that have stubbornly resisted change with other approaches…
7.  Dramatically increases your production of vital (and very pleasurable) brain chemicals related to your longevity, well-being, and quality of life…


Tears will not kill you.  In fact, I’d like you to entertain the idea that tears may very well wash you clean.

Are you getting this?

Pamela and I both test drove Holosync ten years ago.  We were both using the same program.

She tells me she isn’t sure where her copy is, and she can’t remember when she last took the time to use it.

I can not imagine my life today if I had not found myself during those blissful healing hours of Holosync!

Surrender and magically delivers yourself to blissful Joy!

God is the one driving the ship, you may as well give up control.

Click on the link below and get your copy.

High Tech Meditation Technology

Within the stillness of blissful Joy, you will witness your thoughts and actions without judging yourself.

Imagine the healing you are about to receive!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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