ALL of the cells that make up your body need oxygen or they will DIE!
Hey, no joke!
Killing off cells sure won’t build health.
If your oxygen level falls low enough, it can stimulate your vagus nerve and cause your heart to stop.
Got that?
If you are ignoring your low oxygen level, you are risking DEATH!
Do you have low oxygen levels? Are you risking death without noticing?
- Ask your family to tell you if your lips are blue.
While you’re asking, find out if anyone has noticed short term memory loss.
- How was your last eye exam?
Were your eyes worse? Low oxygen levels cause the loss of your eye sight.
- Do you hit a brick wall of fatigue at the end of your day?
Do you wake up feeling tired? Low oxygen levels MEAN low energy levels!
Do you know what you need to about YOUR blood oxygen level?
1. When blood oxygen levels fall below 92% saturation, the pressure of the oxygen within your blood is too low to penetrate the walls of the red blood cells.
- It won’t do you any good to argue with science and gas laws.
2. Most insurance companies will not pay for oxygen unless your levels fall to 88% oxygen saturation.
- This has nothing to do with what is best for you, it is just the point at which your insurance is willing to pay for your home oxygen use.
3. Every time your blood oxygen level falls below 92% saturation you face a potentially deadly situation.
- Vagal stimulation can stop your heart causing sudden death
4. Low oxygen levels may be present only at certain times.
- when retaining excessive fluid
- when airways are tight and wheezy
- with respiratory illness, or advancing lung disease
- sleep apnea
- about 3:00am when you wake gasping for air
- with activity when the heart muscle has become weak
- while bending over or kneeling down
- sudden onset of Heart Failure
5. Recurring low blood oxygen levels are harmful and should be prevented with supplemental oxygen if possible.
- The problem is that your doctor may not witness your oxygen levels at 88%, and if he/she doesn’t see it he/she won’t order it.
- Another big challenge is that portable oxygen use is inconvenient and you may avoid using it. (There is also unwarranted fear of home gas use.)
- Untreated low oxygen levels rob your eye sight, short term memory, and your strength.
6. Many doctors give misinformation about oxygen because they don’t understand the importance of meeting oxygen need themselves.
MIS information You Should NEVER Believe: Using oxygen will make your lungs weak is NOT a true fact! Using oxygen too much will make you need it more is NOT a true fact! You only need oxygen when you feel like you need it is NOT a true fact! If your oxygen level is low you will get used to it is NOT a true fact! You don’t need oxygen unless you maintain readings lower than 88% blood oxygen saturation is NOT a true fact!
You need supplemental oxygen if your levels fall below 92%!
7. Even if your blood oxygen saturation is NOT low you CAN benefit from using supplemental oxygen with activity!
- Whether your blood oxygen level is dangerously low, or in the normal range, getting your heart rate up while using supplemental oxygen will help you to utilize oxygen better, and that WILL make you feel better!
Heart Failure is inevitable if you are living with low oxygen level.
You may not even be aware of it, but the consequences of ignoring low oxygen level are harsh.
Low blood oxygen levels are dangerous!
Often caregivers are concerned for the needs of their care recipient and in the process of discovering how to give good care, they realize that they need care as badly as their patient does!
You can cause serious health issues with your bad breathing habits and not even know it!
Until you have lost your get up and go, you don’t realize that you are deteriorating!
Addressing your bad breathing habits will help whether you are experiencing early heart failure, or extreme fatigue from over work!
Find out how your breathing is making you sick and what you can do about it!
The Life Breath Club offers a free ebook with live weekly coaching to discuss breath awareness.
Click on the link below to learn about the benefits of membership.
Join The Life Breath Club Today!
This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.
It’s FREE!
Many blessings,
Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions
PS– Remember everyday:
- Relax and Release tension
- Exhale Slowly
- Be active in a way that adds joy to your life
Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter
Carrie, I feel blessed to have found this site ! I have a history of degenerative muscle disease Central Core and Nemaline Rod, RSD(Major Pain), Asthma, cough variant, Hypothyroid etc etc. I have been concerened about continued worsening of blurring of my vision. I Had glasses changed twice, no improvment. experiencing blackouts, one time with head breaking though drywall, and sudden instances of severe vertigo, falling all over, room spinning etc. Extreme fatique memory gone, speech haltering etc.
After 2 blackouts in one nite The ER found my o2 at 77, pulse 36, Palable BP at 60. They immediately labeled me as a addict and wanted me to go home.After passing out there they admitted me with a one on one sitter making sure I wasn’t taking taking meds. Boy I cried I had no support system and couldn’t fight.
My Doc has found my pO2 at 93-95 at every office vs. The overnite test showed 1 1/2 hour at 87. I was given O2 at night. I have had it for three days. Immediately my headache went away, my voice and clearing of throat improved, the biggest thing was the dramatic improvment in my eyesight!!!!! so great!!! I believe I may have a bit of energy, I get out of bed. I am only supposed to wear it at night but I have been wearing it day and night, its making a difference in my life. I didn’t wear it for about 6 hours and the dizziness and vision changed back.
One problem is that at night I end up pulling it off, without knowing I’m doin it. I have tried tape, bobbypins but I still tear it off. Any suggestions?
I don’t care how it looks I want it during the day. I like the improved quality of life. How do I get them to order it around the clock?
Also My eyesight hasn’t gone to normal, can lack of o2 cause perminant damage to sight?
You are so informative, I should have been taught this stuff by my docs. Thank you
Do you think this could help my other conditions?
Your 87% saturation is enough for them to order oxygen as needed. Just because you aren’t measuring your level low doesn’t mean that it isn’t low while you are doing house work, climbing stairs etc.
The more diligently you meet your oxygen need the better!!
If you’d like to learn how carbon dioxide effects your ability to oxygenate you can buy my hand book and/or join The Life Breath Club. We meet by telephone every Monday at Noon US Pacific time if you can make it.
I am offering the recordings for free for a limited amount of time.
Get an invitation and an opportunity to get the recordings by entering your name in the top right hand side of this page.
I hope to see you there!
Many blessings,
PS- I suggest tape for the cannula. Ask a home health provider perhaps for the skin that will be gentle for your skin. Tape it on your cheeks on either side of your nose at night.
My doctor prescribed home concentrator use due to an overnite pulse oximetry (finger) test showed irregular 02 levels during one night’s test. I have been waking up tired, snore, and feel like I can’t keep up with the physical activities (some strenuous) I want to do. The concentrator is set at 2. Last night was my first night of use. After only 4 hours I woke with this huge, huge headache. I did not use the oxygen rest of night. It is now 11:45AM and I still have that headache. The inside of my nose felt like it had been froze and thawed. My life is pretty high stress; I am 61 yo, weigh 180, 5’7″ and in perfect health other than the sleeping. Have not been in contact with my dr as of yet. Other than calling my dr., got any suggestions?
Aloha Bev,
If you have irregular oxygen levels at rest, your health is NOT perfect. You are a ticking time bomb.
First things first, 2 liters of oxygen through a nasal canula is NOT sleep apnea equipment and you are likely dealing with sleep apnea. If you don’t treat it appropriately it will destroy your health and is potentially lethal each and every time you sleep.
You can’t take this too serious!
Be well,
Totally agree with Carrie Tucker, ‘sleep apnea’ is very dangerous. Sleep apnea equipment is a different system that uses normal moisturized room air at a constant level through a plastic nose mask that forces you to breath through your nose, keeps you from snoring, helps you from getting up at night, keeps you from not breathing for many seconds while sleep, and keeps your blood oxygen level above 92. If you snore, wake up many times at night, and feel tired all the time, see a sleep disorder doctor who will schedule a sleep test in an authorized facility where they will wire you up and monitor your sleep. I just had that done and it revealed a very dangerous apnea condition. My CPAP sleep apnea equipment is simple, solves all of my sleep disorder problems, and gives me a good nights sleep. But if you use oxygen only, you may need a ‘home oxygen unit’ that moisturizes the oxygen at a fixed rate through a little tank of purified water to keep your sinus passages from drying out. On the other hand, if you suspect ‘sleep apnea’, grab your ‘yellow pages’ or ‘google’ your local sleep disorder doctors, and get moving: NOW! God bless!
Aloha Speed Racer2,
It’s a matter of life and death!
Be well,
Many blessings,
Hi Carrie,
I wrote to u a while ago. I am a 45 yr old female and my o2 has been low, droping to 82 at times. (when walking, mostly outside, when shopping, going up hill, stairs or just doing too much. Sometimes it stays low for hours and sometimes its up and down. I told my pulmonologist and he tested it and it wasnt low so I was out of luck. Recently, I had a rt heart cath done and was diag. with pulmonary hypertension, but when i was having the test it didnt drop again. I was getting scared because he kept telling me it was raynauds, but I know it wasnt. I remembered all the great info. I read from your site and when i knew it was low I went into my general physican and she tested me. It was 82.
Now Im on o2 and I can actually go into a store and shop and not feel so terrible. I hope my pulmonologist will see it soon because I feel like he thinks im making it up which is so crazy. Who would want to have to carry o2 around. Anyway, thank u so much for your help
God Bless u, Sky
Aloha Sky,
Your comment made my day. Life has kept me so busy that I didn’t see it til now.
Enter your contact info in the right sidebar to receive your invitation to The Life Breath Club’s weekly meeting.
Many blessings,
My lowest blood oxygen level was 35% i was hospitalized for 4 days
Aloha Aaron,
That is very low!
I hope you are working on your breathing!
Be well,
Carrie: One of those things (The something Prophecy) I keep coming upon your site and writing. The COPD article was wonderful. Blood oxygen level explanation was superb. Thankfully I have a doctor (recent) who had given me advice (direction), identical to yours. Its not easy but its living and beats the alternative. Still playing golf as much as I can. Some things take longer (oh well). Thank you for being so “there”.
Aloha Mo!
Thanks for the thumbs up! I’m happy to be so “there” for you.
Many blessings,
Wow! Thank you for so much info I didn’t get from all the doctors I’ve seen in the last few weeks since my accident.
Have been on oxygen every night since then because I’m below 86%, (had to fight with doctors to get order for home!) I also have a pulse oximeter at home temporarily and am trying to gauge my low – not below 70% now at night. In hosp. got to 45% before they hunted for cause, (had to fight for that too, and this is a high powered trauma center!)
According to you I should be using it in daytime also.
I realize I have a few causes for low oxygen: several medium and small pulmonary embolisms in left upper lung, 3 pain meds including a narcotic which I’ve been able to cut way down so far, a swollen back of neck from surgery might contribute, possibly the tulip filter in my vena cava; before accident – jaw drops and recedes so my mouth’s open and I breath loud when I sleep – awakened a few times recently snuffeling for air before oxygen was delivered.
Now you’ve freaked me out! My mother, her brother and both maternal grandparents died young of heart failure. I’m 60 and my cholesterol is a bit high. I never dreamed that low oxygen might be contributing to my changing eyesight!
Whew! Any more eye-openers?
Aloha Joyce,
I am so glad to enlighten you. It sounds like you will need to advocate for yourself to get proper care.
Please do read every article in the oxygen category. The more you know the better.
You are over breathing terribly at night and that is really hurting you.
“Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book” will help you understand my concern and give you an action plan to start making a big difference in your health.
Let me know if I can do anymore to help.
Many blessings,
The Life Breath Coach
Merry Christmas to all!
Hi Carrie I wanted to thank you for your conversation we had awhile back, It made me strong enough to ask doctors the right questions.
Since my low blood levels last July 2008 that were in the 50’s, I have developed memory loss and Asthma as you know. But, with your advice the doctors and specialists have also found that my lung function in at 60% and I have Fibromyalgia and the onset of RA. My kidneys are at low function, sounds like I’m falling apart and I’m only 39.
The one thing that scares me the most is the electric currents that run through my muscles and nerves, that sometimes cause my feet and hands to go numb. With the advice of my doctors and family I’m filing for disability. It’s very humbling. I go for physicals tomorrow for the disability, and the 28th for breathing tests for them. If anyone wishes to send me help or advice please do so, at:
Thank you,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Aloha Alicia,
I am glad that you are pursuing disability. You need to create some stability in your life so that you can nurture yourself.
I hope that you really took to heart the advice that I gave you about making sure that your oxygen level is 92% or higher. If you are walking through life with low oxygen levels, it will continue to cause deterioration! Stay well oxygenated and give your body the chance to heal.
Take good care of yourself and stay in touch!
Many blessings,
Hi, thank you for this helpfull information, I love your blog,
I knew that stress can lead you to lack of oxygen in the blood because when we are stressed we stop breathing right, so as you said is very important to relax and breathe, also a sign that you are being affected by lack of oxygen is because then you get a headache, usually we take a tylenol and then the headache go away, but the stress stays and then we just become addicted to pills with out fixing the root of the problem, in long term end up with heart failure. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and contribution to better health to live with. Merry Christmas!!!
.-= Shine´s last blog ..Low Colesterol is not good =-.
Aloha Shine,
You are very welcome.
Headache is a common sign of stress, and it is also a common symptom of low oxygen level as well as dehydration. When I start to get a headache, I get a glass of water and go to a quiet space for half an hour. It ALWAYS helps!
Take care of you!
Mele Kalikimaka! (Merry Christmas!)
Many blessings,