Do You Have A Healthy Diet Plan?

healthy diet plan

Is what you eat healthy?

Are you a junk food junkie, or do you try to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet?

How do you know that what you are eating is actually healthy for you?

Go into your kitchen and look in your refrigerator and pantry.

Do you know what types of things should NOT be there?

Contrary to the lovely television commercials reassuring you that corn syrup is safe….. that is the first thing I recommend that you search for and eliminate from your kitchen.

When you begin searching, you will see that high fructose corn syrup is in everything!

Your body does not even recognize this stuff as a food source and does NOT secrete insulin to digest it when you eat it!

HFCS must be detoxed through your liver because your body is not digesting it.

If you eat enough high fructose corn syrup, you will crave it, BUT it isn’t really food!

Get it out of your kitchen.

Every time you resist health robbing foods, and choose fruits and vegetables instead, you improve your health instead of adding to your distress.

If you eat a diet of highly processed and chemicalized foods, odds are your palate is coated with yeasty build up so that you aren’t enjoying how wonderful Mother Nature’s goodies taste!

Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and your palate will be washed clean so that you can actually taste the wonderful subtle flavors of natural foods.

Replacing undesirable foods with wholesome foods will play a big role in your healthy diet plan.

What food to you need to stock in your kitchen in order to support a healthy diet plan?

If you remove from your kitchen all of the junk foods that tempt you, and only eat them when you are not at your home…. you will eat far less of these unhealthy foods.

It will be so much easier to choose healthy snacks when they aren’t hidden behind the potato chips and candy.

The good news here is that there are many choices to choose from when stocking healthy foods in your kitchen.

A healthy diet plan is only possible if you plan ahead.

Healthy Foods That Should Be On Your Grocery List

  • raw nuts and/or nut butters (raw almonds are super food you know!)
  • fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic, put a garden in your yard or start one with your neighbors)
  • caffeine free herbal teas
  • fresh lemons to squeeze into your water (a much better habit than soda)
  • organic grains (oatmeal, short grain brown rice, millet, rye, etc.)
  • dried beans
  • flesh foods (meat) should be fresh and lean, and small portions, seafood is a healthier choice
  • raw seeds
  • cooking oils should be cold pressed (extra virgin olive oil is best, but not above medium heat)
  • sprouted bread (made with sprouted grains NOT flour)

These are just a few suggestions to get you started.

Add good whole foods to your menu and avoid a few bad ingredients to get your healthy diet plan rolling.


Once you start to feel better you will have more motivation to start illuminating processed foods. 

If you’ve become used to them, and they are your comfort foods, you may find it challenging.

Give your healthy diet plan the attention it deserves, and start enjoying your life more than you have in years!

The best weight loss plan is a healthy diet plan!  Lose fat not bone or muscle!


The short cut to feeling better AND weight loss is a good quality nutritional supplement!

Click on the link below to check out the healthy diet plan supplement recommended by The Life Breath Coach.

Short Cut To A Better Diet


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter


PPS- A list of high fiber foods can really help improve your diet too!  Click on the link and print the article out to post on your frig!

A List of High Fiber Foods

6 thoughts on “Do You Have A Healthy Diet Plan?

  1. Wow, what a fabulous post – full of important facts and advice!

    About 15 months ago, my wife and I started checking labels for high fructose corn syrup, and no longer buy items that contain it. Since then, I have lost 17 pounds of unneeded weight – about one pound each month.

    Around the same time I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, and gave up all caffeine by switching to caffeine-free soda. This helped with sleeping through the night. A month ago, I finally replaced my daily 4-5 soda intake with ice water. [Okay, I still drink 3-4 each week but have gotten rid of 90%.]

    This seems to have dramatically reduce a growing issue with evening burps. I thought I was drinking carbonation to help me reduce burps, but discovered it was actually the cause.

    Anyway, as I continue to naturalize my eating habits, I feel healthier and sleep more soundly. We’ll see if I can give up junk foods next.

    Thanks again for your ongoing advice about living healthier.


    1. Hi Steve!
      You made my day! Congratulations, you have taken steps that will drastically improve the quality of your life!

      Feeling better is motivation to do even more! Good luck with the junk food battle. You are way ahead of the crowd already!

      Give yourself a pat on the back!

      Many blessings,

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